
One of the most difficult parts of a relationship ending is the effect on the children. It is so important for both parents to remember that they are still parents, the children still love both of you and it is the relationship between the parents that has ended, not the relationship with the children. It is in the best interests of the children if the two of you can agree the arrangements for the children, that is, which parent they will live with; whether there will be a shared care arrangement; how much time they will spend with each parent; where they will go to school and any issue that may arise with regard to the children. If you are unable to do so, I can provide advice on how to come to an agreement and, if necessary, can assist you in making an application to court for a decision to be made and represent you in those proceedings, or in proceedings where your ex has made the application. There are four basic applications that can be made to the court:

  • An order regulating who the children live with (live with order, commonly called residence order)
  • An order regulating what time the children spend with each parent (spend time with order, commonly called a contact order)
  • A specific issue which is where a court is asked to determine a specific issue such as which school the children should attend
  • A prohibited steps order which is an order prohibiting certain steps being taken such as taking the children out of the country

I have expertise in all of the above situations.